Your credit card is required to demonstrate and confirm that all Treasurebee members are legitimate and have a genuine interest in conducting business with each other on Treasurebee. It is a minimal requirement to become a member. We are also trying to prevent automated bots, spammers, and time-wasters from spoiling the Treasurebee experience for all of our members. When you shop and only upon your authorization, your credit card will be used to make purchases from sellers on Treasurebee. You may review our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for additional details.
You can expect your order to be shipped according to the terms of the agreement with the seller, or no later than seventy-two (72) hours after payment is received in the seller’s bank account (which usually takes 2 business days from the date of purchase). All transactions on Treasurebee are made between you and the seller; therefore please contact them directly for details regarding the status of your shipment.
Please contact the seller directly for details regarding the status of your order.
Visit the seller’s Profile page by entering the seller’s name in Treasurebee’s search box or clicking on their name in a message conversation. Or you can scroll over the three vertical dots on the right side of the seller’s name in your contact list. Follow the steps below to initiate a report request:
Joining Treasurebee as a seller is easy. If you’re not currently a Buyer member, visit our Registration page and follow the prompts to enter your contact details and credit card. Our Seller membership fee is only $9.97 per month, with a minimal processing fee of only 7.9% per transaction (Treasurebee receives 5% and Stripe®, our payment processor, receives 2.9% and $0.30).* There are no listing or insertion fees, and you may cancel your membership at any time without any cancellation fees. Included in your Seller Membership you will also be able to contact and make purchases from other Treasurebee sellers. Once you’ve completed registration please set up your payment account so that you can collect payments from buyers.
If you’re an existing Buyer member, visit the Membership page in your Settings, select “Become a Seller” and follow the prompts to register as a Seller member.
* Treasurebee fees and membership terms are subject to change. Please review our Pricing and Terms of Service.