Treasurebee is in beta, which means the video call feature may not be currently supported on all devices and/or browsers.
On desktop and laptop computers, Treasurebee is compatible with the following browsers:
Apple Safari: The video call feature is not currently supported.
On tablets and smartphones running Android, Treasurebee is compatible with the following browsers:
Apple iOS and Microsoft Windows Mobile: the video call feature is not currently supported.
We will be adding support for more devices and browsers in the future. If you are experiencing any technical issues or encounter other problems using Treasurebee, please contact us.
Important! When using Treasurebee, please remember to adjust your settings to increase the period of time before your energy saving settings shut down your computer. This allows users to call you while you’re near your computer or device. In addition:
- Make sure your device is fully charged and connected to the Internet;
- Make sure your screen saver is either deactivated or set to not activate for a longer period of time;
- Make sure the volume on your device is loud enough for the buyer to hear you (use headphones, if necessary).