
We recognize that shipping details are an important point of discussion with prospective buyers before a transaction is completed.

Note:  We suggest all shipments be made immediately after payment is received in your bank account, or as per agreement with your buyer; but in no case later than seventy-two (72) hours.  Please see our Terms of Service for details.


For all transactions we have provided the following shipping options:


Included in Price

If the item price is $100 and shipping is included, this means the buyer pays $100 which includes the cost of shipping.


To Be Determined

If the item price is $100 with shipping to be determined later (ex: the item is of a unique size), this means the buyer can purchase the item now for $100, and then wait for the seller to communicate the shipping cost and method later (ex: USPS is $25).  In this example the buyer would pay the $25 for shipping as a second transaction.


To process the shipping payment:

  • Select “Sales” in your navigation;
  • Select the Confirmation Receipt for the item that was sold;
  • Select “Provide Shipping Details for Payment;”
  • Enter Shipping Details, including method and cost;
  • Select “Request Payment” to send this information to the buyer;
  • Select the Item as Agreed Upon after the shipping payment is received from your buyer;
  • If your buyer does not pay for shipping per your agreement, or within a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours of your providing the shipping quote, we recommend you cancel the sale of the item to the buyer.  Promptly refund any payments made by your buyer for the item.


Pick Up Only

Select this option if you require the items for sale to be picked up.

Note:  For items that are purchased immediately via Buy Now, shipping can be included in the purchase price.  However, some items may require communication between buyer and seller to mutually agree upon shipping method and cost, prior to the purchase being made.




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